Dream11 has become a hugely popular fantasy-based game in India. It has been termed legal by the Indian Supreme Court and so can function freely in the co9nutry without any restraints. The start-up is valued at well over a billion dollars and was even the title sponsor for the IPL this season! A whole cottage industry of people and websites promising the best Dream11 teams for each match has come up. Which is the best prediction site for dream11? That can a bit tricky to determine but we will attempt to guide you in the right direction.
Which is the best prediction site for dream11?
Different people have different needs but here are the resources that we think you should use:
This website is not very well-known among the general public but people that follow cricket love it. There are some truly unique insights about the match-ups, player stats, and who is likely to perform better. It is a new and stats-based approach to the game but these are not just the traditional stats. You get a lot by reading through the analysis presented on this website.
This is a website that is owned by Dream11. It serves a useful purpose because it allows you to see the past performances of players in terms of Dream 11 points. Since that is your ultimate aim, you will be able to sort through the different matches, potential gems, and others on this app. There are even some experts that will pick their best Dream11 teams and share them freely. It is up to you whether you choose to follow them or not.
This behemoth in cricket coverage has started providing fantasy picks for matches and so we recommend you go through them. These tips are not a focus for the site right now but you do get some useful information now and then.
Which is the best prediction site for dream11? You could just google it and go through some of the websites that give you their best Dream11's but we think you are better by doing the work and coming up with the team yourself!